Kajian Pengaruh Balancing Rotor Terhadap Resiko Kerusakan Turbocharger Lokomotif Diesel Elektrik

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Kajian Pengaruh Balancing Rotor Terhadap Resiko Kerusakan Turbocharger Lokomotif Diesel Elektrik


NIT : 20173006


Turbocharger is a centrifugal component that functions to increase power by utilizing exhaust gases from diesel engine combustion. In locomotives, turbocharger often have a trouble / damage which can decreased locomotive performance. The causes of turbocharger failure vary, one of which is the quality of the turbocharger rotor balancing process. Balancing can be defined as the process of removing or increasing the mass of the rotor field to focus the load point on the rotation axis, this is always do in the process of maintanance or repairing a locomotive turbocharger. Research to analyze the effect of Balancing Turbocharger was carried out by calculating statistical data and describe it, then calculating the maximum permissible unbalance tolerance limit based on the turbocharger specifications of a diesel electric locomotive. To conclude the effect, there is an interviews with expert technicians and field observations in Yogyakarta Locomotive Workshop. From the results of statistical data calculations, failure turbocharger like trouble function, cracks, and explode still happen often. With balancing effectiveness rate of 93%, in one year as many as 7% of all cases of failure locomotive components and as much as 13% of the total repairs in the Diesel division of Yogyakarta Locomotive Workshop is a turbocharger components damage, while 66% of the turbocharger faillure was caused by rotor damage. The calculation of the Maximum permissible unbalance for the GE 7S1508 locomotive turbocharger resulted in a rotor unbalance tolerance limit is 0.56 grams. The unbalance condition of the rotor must not exceed the tolerance limit in order to minimize the unstability of the turbocharger rotation. Unstable rotation can cause friction of the turbine with the casing which can make component cracks / breaks, and in the long term it can damage the bearings because holding unbalanced rotation. Keywords: Locomotive, turbocharger, turbocharger damage, rotor balancing, unbalance rotor.

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ANDY FII AUNILLAH NIT : 20173006, “Kajian Pengaruh Balancing Rotor Terhadap Resiko Kerusakan Turbocharger Lokomotif Diesel Elektrik,” Repository PPI Madiun, accessed September 20, 2024, https://repository.ppi.ac.id/items/show/4.